I teach Japanese part-time - am I eligible to apply?
Yes, applications from part-time teachers will be considered.
I teach Japanese as a private tutor - am I eligible to apply?
No. You must be teaching Japanese at a recognised educational institution (school, university or college).
I am a native speaker of Japanese - am I eligible to apply?
No. These programs are specifically tailored for non-native speakers of Japanese. As of this year, the Training Program for Japanese Abroad has been discontinued.
Do I have to have sat for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test?
No. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is not a prerequisite for these programs, however it is used as a benchmark when determining applicants’ Japanese language ability. If you have never sat for the JLPT, you may be asked to complete the Japanese Language Proficiency Self-Check questionnaire and submit it with your application.
> Japanese Language Proficiency Test
> Japanese Language Proficiency Self-Check