When I first applied for the JENESYS program, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from it. I think I was more excited at the fact that I was going to Japan than anticipating what I would do there for the coming six weeks. ‘Classes, study trips and culture sessions’; that was what I was to expect. One thing is for certain, and that is, I had signed up for something much more than that.
It was just amazing. I don’t think I could put that in any other way. It was surely an unforgettable six weeks. Not only was I able to gain further insight into the Japanese language and the culture, but I was able to forge precious relationships with the Japanese people, and with the other participants from south-east Asia.
The study trips and the culture sessions played a vital role in shaping the images of Japan. I was able to taste the diversity of Japan as I visited the metropolitan capital Tokyo, the iconic temples of Kyoto, and the rebuilt streets of Hiroshima, showing no trace of what happened sixty years ago. On top of these, independent trips to the lively streets of Osaka, to the natural wonders of Wakayama and the stunning nightscape of Kobe really broadened my perception of Japan.
Being there was one thing, but it was really the hands-on experiences which deepened my understanding of the Japanese culture. From sipping and appreciating the bitterness of traditional, Japanese tea (not to mention you had to sit on your knees for half an hour), imitating to be a Japanese wearing yukata, relaxing in the hot springs on a hot, summers day and the list goes on.
These so-called ‘culture sessions’ were enlightening, but perhaps these were just the tip of the iceberg of what Japan had to offer. I think it was through the seemingly insignificant and ordinary interactions and observations of everyday life which ironically made the biggest impact. Believe it or not, there’s nothing that comes quite close to going out for a stroll around a quiet neighbourhood on a crude bicycle with a couple of mates.
Then came the classes: weekdays from nine to three. The classes really pushed us to use Japanese in a variety of modes. The tasks varied: discussions, speeches, interviews, presentations and novelty classes in which we learned the Osaka dialect. The classes weren’t just about testing our Japanese competency, but it was about discovering Japan and the world as the course materials covered key themes and issues. It was also through the classes in which friendships blossomed.
Discovering Japan was a key purpose I hoped to achieve during the six weeks. However, I realised there was something much more valuable that was to be gained: relationships and the social network. At first, I wasn’t sure whether the six weeks were sufficient to make good friends. I was proven wrong. The global network of friends was probably by far the greatest asset I gained from JENESYS program.
It was an intense six week program packed with unforgettable memories and experiences. I was hoping to use the six weeks to take a break from my everyday life but I think I came back more worn out than ever before. I pushed myself to make the most of this opportunity and consequently, I was able to obtain much more than I had expected. |