How is it arranged on the shelves?

The majority of our collection is available in the open shelf area and is organised by subject using the numerical Nippon Decimal Classification (9th edition).

A small part of the collection, such as accompanying CDs for Japanese language textbooks, are kept in the closed stack. If a book possesses accompanying material, that book will be labeled with a green sticker on the spine. Please ask counter staff for use of any items stored in the closed stack area.

Collection profiles

More than 17,000 Japan-related items in English and Japanese.

Japanese-language textbooks and teaching guides including Audio-Visual materials.

Popular magazines from Japan and journals on Japanese studies including back issues for some titles.

Daily newspapers (Nihon Keizai Shinbun [Tokyo ed.] ; The Japan Times) – the latest 4 weeks of these daily papers are kept in the library.

More than 1,000 VHS and DVDs in total including feature films and animation.

Musical sound recording by Japanese composers and performers on CD, covering classical, Japanese traditional and popular music.